Monday, December 13, 2010

Classic Chris and companion #6

At a ward planning meeting with ward missionary leaders.

Leaving our apartment for a day of hard work. Love it!

Being fed by one of the many Hispanic families in the area.

Saying good-bye to Elder Riding - in yellow tie.
Me and some of his other 'sons' - trainees.
Elder Riding is going home.
Elder Allred, my companion, got transferred, too.

My new companion is the red head - Elder Carlisle for Oregon.
He is waiting for his visa for Brazil.
I am training him and helping him to learn Spanish.
The other two elders live with us in a one bedroom apartment. Crazy!

1 comment:

  1. mom you are so silly!! now you know i look at it!!HAHA:) i am glad you keep it updated with the pics or i wouldn't be able to see them!! love you
