Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Natividad family.

Tatay and Nanay Natividad - the mom and dad
of the large family we are teaching

I am trying out my new camera at the Natividad home.

Part of the Natividad family at the temple grounds tour.
They had a few nieces and nephews with them.

This is the missionaries at the home of the Natividad family.
I shared some American candy, that my parents sent, with them. They loved it.
This is not all of them.
Those in this picture are Joann, Jennifer, Jennirose, Jeffery, Jamie, JonJon,
dad Oscar, and mom Gloria. Also some relatives.
There is also me, Sister Betts, Sister Asendente, and Elders Gutierrez, Cordova, Anderson, and Gandiola.

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